Chapter Activities and Projects
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Antelope Valley Chapter, NSDAR, Supports and Participates in DAR Projects
Constitution Week: Every year from September 17-23 the chapter contacts school districts in the valley and distributes DAR Constitution Week posters and educational resources. Library displays are placed locally.
DAR Service for Veterans: Our chapter is very active in events at the William J. "Pete" Knight Veterans Home in Lancaster, the Antelope Valley Veterans Center in Palmdale, and the Stand Down events in the valley. Many activities include pie and ice cream socials, and raising funds for the wish lists at the facilities, as well as toiletry articles collected for the homeless veterans.
Scholarships: For many years the chapter has given a scholarship to a deserving nursing student attending the Antelope Valley College in Lancaster.
American History Essay Contest: Our Chapter contacts schools to encourage participation in the 5-8 grade American History Essay Contest and the Patriots of the American Revolution Senior High School Essay Contest.
DAR Good Citizens program and Essay Contest: Contacts are made at local high schools to encourage schools to submit their Good Citizens nominee and Essay participants.
Please contact our registrar or more information about joining our chapter.